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Project on national communications of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region I & II

During the first phase of the communications project the Finnish language communications and stakeholder engagement of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) was promoted in close cooperation with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

A new Finnish webpage was built during the project. The page offers basic information about the EUSBSR, about the projects implementing it and about the existing financing opportunities. Also a brochure in Finnish was published. The national stakeholder network was enlargened during the project.

In the second phase of the project the national communications and stakeholder engagement of the (EUSBSR) was maintained and developed into more international direction. The second phase was based on the results achieved in the first project.

Active information sharing and stakeholder engagement was continued and deepened during the second project. For instance, a stakeholder meeting was organised in Northern Finland in order to increase the knowledge of the strategy also in northern parts of the country.

One of the goals was to develop a communications project and apply for funds from Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. During the project potential partners were identified and contacted and objectives and expected results were defined for the main project. The project consortium was successful and Let´s communicate! project was granted finance in June 2016.

More information: Kirsi Ahlman