“ReNutriWater – Closing local water circuits by recirculation of nutrients and water and using them in nature” -project started in the beginning of 2023. It is a Water-smart Societies -priority project funded by EU’s Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. ReNutriWater - Interreg Baltic Sea Region(interreg-baltic.eu)
Freshwater is vital for life and used in many aspects of daily life, but it is becoming increasingly scarce, also in the Baltic Sea region. Droughts cause significant economic losses and reduce the volume of freshwater, which affects agriculture, cities, recreational areas, and society at large.
ReNutriWater studies and tests processes on how water reuse can be done in a safe and economically attractive way. Recycled water can be used by municipalities and private entities for various purposes, such as watering recreational areas, washing cars, creating artificial snow and in glass house watering systems. In the project, 8 different pilots will be conducted, in which the quality, content and use of recycled water will be studied. In addition, a WaterSafe IT Tool and a Handbook on safe water reuse will be developed.
Project Partnership
The Lead partner of the project is the Chamber of Economy Polish Waterworks. Centrum Balticum takes care of the project communication. The initiative has 14 project partners from five countries: Poland, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Denmark.
Project Lifespan
January 2023 – December 2025
Project budget and financing source
The total budget of ReNutriWater is 3 850 000 million euros. The financing source is the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. More about the project can be found in the project website: ReNutriWater - Interreg Baltic Sea Region (interreg-baltic.eu)