EXOPRODIGI project continued the work of the EUSBSR Flagship project ECOPRODIGI in increasing eco-efficiency in the Baltic Sea region's maritime industry with the help of digital tools and solutions.

EXOPRODIGI was built on the findings of and lessons learned from ECOPRODIGI. The intention was to further improve the efficient use of resources with the help of digital tools and solution which support decision making, create transparency, reduce working hours and decrease waste, emissions and energy consumption. Similarly to ECOPRODIGI, the aim in EXOPRODIGI was to enhance the institutional capacity of maritime industry end-users at various stages of vessel life-cycle; i.e. during voyages, stowage operations and at the assembly processes at shipyards. 

The partnership composition of EXOPRODIGI was based on the partnership of ECOPRODIGI consisting of a mix of companies, universities and other organisation working in and with the Baltic Sea region's maritime industry. The project consortium included altogether 13 partner organisations from four Baltic Sea region countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Lithuania). Similarly to ECOPRODIGI, the involvement of industry end-users in EXOPRODIGI was recognised as a significant asset as it enabled the consortium to work with concrete challenges and to test digital tools and solutions in actual operating environments.

The Lead Partner of EXOPRODIGI was the Pan-European Institute of the University of Turku. Centrum Balticum Foundation was responsible for the communications of the project.

Duration: 01/01/2021 – 30/09/2021 (9 months)

Total budget: 879,196.23 €

European Regional Development Fund: 674,282.16 €

Website: www.ecoprodigi.eu/exoprodigi