Finnish Maritime Cluster - The forerunner of smart maritime solutions
The Finnish Maritime Cluster (FMC) aims to be a world leader in developing maritime digitalization and sustainability. The project was encouraging the Finnish Maritime Cluster to create innovations through collaboration. It also disseminated knowledge about different kinds of EU funding instruments and tried to convince stakeholders to benefit funding when piloting sustainable solutions. FMC also aimed to promote Blue Growth, Baltic Sea protection and the competitiveness of Finnish maritime cluster, public private collaboration and enabling governance.
Finnish Maritime Cluster represents various fields of business and it consists of 3000 companies. There are six main market segments that the companies are active in, cargo traffic-, cruise traffic-, car ferries and roro-traffic-, oil and gas offshore production-, renewable energy offshore production markets and authorities and other public demand.
The Finnish Maritime Cluster project was organized by the Finnish Ship owners’ Association, the Finnish Marine Industries, the Finnish Port Association, and the Finnish Port Operators Association in cooperation with the Centrum Balticum. The project was funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and Centre of Economic Development, Transport and the Environment as a part of the Operational Program of Finland, European Maritime and Fisheries Fund in 2018.
Twitter: @Meriklusteri