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Cohesion through EUSBSR

Cohesion through EUSBSR project communicated the positive results of EU Cohesion Policy in the Baltic Sea Region.

"Cohesion through EUSBSR” project put EU-funded transnational and cross-border projects and their beneficiaries in the Baltic Sea macro-region in the forefront, and communicated the benefits and contributions of Cohesion policy to the development of the macro-region.

Project was a multi-channel communication campaign built upon EU-funded projects that concretely illustrated the positive effects of EU Cohesion policy and were in line with the EUSBSR objectives (Save the sea, Connect the region & Increase prosperity).

The campaign aimed at giving human faces to complex concepts by telling stories of those people working in EU-projects and/or benefitting from projects' results. 

Basic facts
"Cohesion through EUSBSR” was coordinated and implemented by Centrum Balticum.

Duration: 12 months (02/2019 - 02/2020)
Budget: 97,379€
Financed by: European Commission DG Regio
