
Latest Update

Download the latest data about Baltic Sea Region countries key economic indicators.

The latest update to the data was made in July 2018.

Brief summary

Average annual wage

The latest data found is from 2016 so no trends can yet be seen, but average wages have grown in six of the ten countries from 2015 to 2016. The largest percentual growth has been in Denmark and the largest decline in Norway.

Current account

The current accounts in percentage of the GDP have changed positively in all the Baltic countries and in Finland.


From the year 2015 exports in the region have grown slightly in all countries except in Norway where exports have slightly declined but not significantly. Germany´s exports are in a league of their own when compared to the other countries in the region.

Foreign investments

For foreign investments we are still waiting for the 2017 numbers but from 2015 to 2016 it has declined in six countries. Russia experienced a massive growth in foreign investments in 2016 and Germany an equally large decline.

General government surplus and deficit

Seven countries in the region are experiencing deficit but four countries are climbing up. For example Finland has moved from negative 2,7% of GDP to a negative 0,6% of GDP. In Norway the direction is down but still it is the strongest of the ten.


Imports are growing in seven of the ten countries and Germany is, like in exports, on a whole different scale. Lithuania's imports have grown most percentually from 2015.


Russia´s inflation has come down to more normal levels since the 15,5% in 2015 but in general inflation has been on the rise in the region until 2017.

Real GDP growth.
The real GDP levels have been on the rise in all other countries except Poland and Sweden. Estonia and Finland have made a significant leap and Russia has returned to positive growth.
Unemployment has gone down in the whole region. The most significant drop has been in Lithuania but it is still not as low as in Germany. In Germany the unemployment rate has been steadily going down for the last three years and in 2017 it went past the 4% mark.

Download the latest  data below.

bsr_economic_indicators_2018 (xlsx) (34.7 KB)