
Baltic Sea Region Forum 2022

Centrum Balticum organises the Baltic Sea Region Forum annually. The Forum gathers people interested in the development of the Baltic Sea Region and provides a possibility for experts from different sectors to share their knowledge.

The 14th Baltic Sea Forum was held at the Turku School of Economics in June and the theme was readjustment for the situation in Europe. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting sanctions have fundamentally and irreversibly changed the energy system in Europe and thus, also in the Baltic Sea region. Both the European Green Deal and energy revolution need to be accelerated to detach from fossil energy faster than planned.

Despite the worrying situation, the participants in the Baltic Sea Forum were optimistic. Particular emphasis was placed on existing forms of energy cooperation in the Baltic Sea region and the need for continued bilateral and multilateral cooperation was raised. Other themes that emerged were e.g.:

  •  the need to intensify energy efficiency
  • diversification and its role to balance fluctuation
  • risk of overinvesting in transitional solutions
  • coming winter as a real challenge before the impact of made actions begin
  • the role of LNG in the Baltic Sea region.

Please find video from the Baltic Sea Region Forum here  and more about the Forum in here.