Baltic Rim Economies 3/2024
Sustainable maritime industry
Edited by Eini Haaja

Decarbonize, digitalize, diversify: Navigating the maritime makeover
"The global maritime industry is entering an era of unprecedented transition. Decarbonization, digitalization and the drive for diversity are compelling both governments and industry to rethink the future of maritime and reorient their approaches." Arsenio Dominguez
International Maritime Organization
United Kingdom

Sustainable development of cruise tourism: Pioneering progress at the Port of Hamburg
sustainable development of cruise tourism is a multifaceted challenge. It
requires the collaboration of various stakeholders across the maritime
ecosystem, including ports, cruise lines, technology providers, tourism
stakeholders and regulatory bodies."
Simone Maraschi
Managing Director
Cruise Gate Hamburg GmbH

Interesting times for European shipbuilding
"SEA Europe has long called for a maritime industrial strategy to protect Europe's shipbuilding capacity. In June 2024, EU Member States within the Competitiveness Council responded positively by urging the European Commission to develop such a strategy."Christophe Tytgat
Secretary General
SEA Europe (Shipyards’ & Maritime Equipment Association)

EU policies drive green shipping in the Baltics
"The maritime industry is at a pivotal moment. As the world’s economies strive to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, the cost gap between conventional and sustainable marine fuels leaves the sector without a commercial case for going green."Joe Bettles
Market Analyst
Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping
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