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26.11.2012 Ambassador of Germany Thomas Götz: The European Union must be reformed

The German Ambassador Thomas Götz was invited to Turku on the 22nd of November by Centrum Balticum Centre and the City of Turku.

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22.11.2012 Ambassador of Belarus Vladimir N. Dražin: Belarus seeks a closer relationship with Finland

The Meeting with Ambassadors series of Centrum Balticum Centre continued on the 21st of November with the visit of the Belarusian Ambassador.

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30.10.2012 Ambassador of Russia Alexander Y. Rumyantsev: Russia believes in cooperation in the Baltic Sea region

Aleksi Randell, the Mayor of Turku, hosted a luncheon seminar on the 30th of October 2012. The keynote speaker of the seminar was Russian Ambassador Alexander Y. Rumyantsev.

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20.09.2012 Ambassador of Austria Margit Wästfelt: Austrian Agricultural Policy

 Ambassador Dr. Margit Wästfelt's address about Austrian agricultural policy in the luncheon seminar of Centrum Balticum Centre on September 20th in 2012.

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14.06.2012 What lies on the horizon of the Baltic Sea Region in 2020?

The Baltic Sea Forum 2012 brought together Finnish Baltic Sea Region actors already for the fifth time.

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05.03.2012 Ambassador of Estonia Mart Tarmak: Joining the euro-zone – too late, too early or just right in time?

The Meetings with Ambassadors series of Centrum Balticum Centre continued on March 5th 2012 with the visit of Mart Tarmak, Estonian Ambassador to Finland.

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17.06.2011 Professor Kari Liuhto to lead Centrum Balticum

Centrum Balticum Foundation’s board has invited Professor Kari Liuhto as the new Director of the Foundation since 21.5.2011.

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