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BALEX receives funding from Merenkulun säätiö

The legal competence cluster Baltic Area Legal Studies (BALEX), which works in a close cooperation with Centrum Balticum, has received new funding from Merenkulun säätiö for extending its functions.

Merenkulun säätiö is a Finnish foundation established in 1945 for the means of supporting and contributing to the fields of seafaring and shipbuilding, and the Foundation awards yearly grants to research activities concentrated on these fields. The grants for the year 2017 were awarded in the spring meeting of the board, BALEX being one of the recipients.


 The grant has been awarded for developing the work of Baltic Area Legal Studies and strengthening maritime law and legal research in Baltic Sea related questions. The main objective of BALEX is to fill the void in legal research, training and events on Baltic Sea issues, and more resources are essential in achieving this objective.


Additional funding for legal research enables BALEX to apply and initiate new research projects, as well as to organize public events in order to spread the awareness about Baltic Sea legal matters and maritime law to the public. The grant enables for example the research of the sanction system of the new sulphur requirements and the regulation concerning shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea. BALEX also wishes to organize training to officials and lawyers about the legal issues in the Baltic Sea region and maritime law.


BALEX warmly thanks Merenkulun säätiö for the acknowledgment to our work and for enabling our extended functions! In our future activities, we can now even more efficiently strengthen the legal research and education of the most regulated sea area in the world.


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