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16.08.2018 14:41

BALEX is looking for a trainee

BALEX is looking for a trainee to assist in funding applications, communications and events. The traineeship is full-time, paid and lasts 3 months.

As a BALEX trainee, your duties would be assisting in finding sources of funding for BALEX and its research projects, applying for funding, organising events, communications, and managing financial and administrative tasks.

In order to succeed in the work you should be well on the way in your economic, political, administrative or legal studies, be proactive and unprompted, have good communications and social media skills and have good skills in written and spoken English. We appreciate knowledge of organising events and of the Baltic Sea/Baltic Sea region, its organisations and its regulation. Language skills in Finnish and/or Swedish are appreciated but not necessary.

The duties can be tailor-made depending on your major, expertise and interests. The working hours can be flexible, if needed.

The 3-month-traineeship would ideally be from September to November, but can be negotiated.

The salary is 1189 € per month (in accordance with the work requirement of Kela). Partial funding/internship voucher is desirable.

Please send your application by August 22 together with your CV to BALEX Coordinator Saara Ilvesalo:
tel. 0400809822

Baltic Area Legal Studies BALEX is an international legal competence cluster, established in 2014 in Turku, by the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University, and working with collaborators throughout the Baltic Sea region. BALEX aims at filling the previous void in legal research and training on Baltic Sea issues. The focus of BALEX is on legal research, interdisciplinary academic and vocational training and public events.

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