

Reports, presentations and other publications about the Baltic Sea Region by experts.

16.04.2019 09:19

BSR Policy Briefing 3/2019

The Estonian-Finnish economic cooperation.
Authored by Alari Purju.

This article examines economic cooperation in different forms between Estonia and Finland. The economic growth patterns of two countries and comparison it with the EU level trends are treated. Foreign trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) are important tools of this economic cooperation and the article presents dynamics, structure and some important company level examples in these fields. The labor markets of Estonia and Finland are pooling together and the article presents trends and patterns of this phenomenon. The two countries participate also in wider EU level economic integration with supported by joint investments into large projects targeting development of infrastructure for transportation and logistics and electricity and gas. The article discusses impact and role of these projects. It ends with conclusions.

The article is written by Alari Purju, Visiting Professor at Estonian Business School.

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