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12.12.2019 Law plays an important role in climate change solutions

The UN Climate Change Conference is currently taking place in Madrid. The meeting is taking place at the end of Finland's EU Presidency and Finland has a prominent role in leading the EU bloc in the negotiations. The decisions of the international climate conferences are important also for the Baltic Sea, as the effects of the climate change on it are already visible. However, sustainable solutions require changes in the way we operate and in the laws that govern us, so it is natural that the climate change is also studied from a legal perspective.

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09.12.2019 Finland’s EU Council Presidency and EUSBSR Chairmanship: what's in for the Baltic Sea cooperation?

The end of the year 2019 is around the corner, which means that Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU is about to end and transfer to the next EU Member State – Croatia. Nevertheless, another Finnish leadership, Chairmanship of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region (EUSBSR), continues until the end of July 2020. For over five months of 2019, Finland has been simultaneously leading these two agendas – how did it reflect on the Baltic Sea and Baltic Sea cooperation?

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26.11.2019 Centrum Balticum contributes to the EU and Russia’s macro-regional strategies cooperation

HA Neighbours project, which acts as one of the horizontal actions of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (ESBSR) and is implemented jointly by the City of Turku (Centrum Balticum Foundation) and CBSS, actively promotes and measures EU – non-EU cooperation within the Baltic Sea macro-region. This autumn, Centrum Balticum and HA Neighbours co-organised two events promoting deeper cooperation between EUSBSR members and its neighbouring states (Belarus, Iceland, Norway and Russia) in the twin city of Turku – St. Petersburg.

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24.10.2019 EUSBSR turns 10 years!

30 October 2019 marks 10th Anniversary of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Being the very first macro-regional strategy in the European Union, and followed later by establishment of another three macro-regional strategies, it started a completely new way of regional cooperation in the European Union. Happy Birthday, EUSBSR!

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04.10.2019 Eco-efficient and digital maritime industry - how do we get there?

ECOPRODIGI's first Future Foresights workshop gathered stakeholders from maritime sector in Klaipeda to discuss and collaborate on the process of creating a digitalisation roadmap to increase eco-efficiency in the Baltic Sea region’s maritime industry.

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30.09.2019 Communication material on positive results of the EU Cohesion Policy in the Baltic Sea Region

Centrum Balticum Foundation is soon launching a multichannel communication campaign promoting positive results of EU funded projects. Join our network of multipliers and get access to high quality material.

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24.09.2019 Towards sustainable maritime economy in the Baltic Sea region

The city of Klaipeda hosted the Baltic Sea States Sub-regional Cooperation (BSSSC) Annual Conference on 18-20 September 2019. This year, the theme of the conference was “Sustainable Maritime Economy – BSSSC regions shaping the future of the Blue economy in the Baltic Sea Region”.

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23.09.2019 Combatting Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea: Legal Aspects of Sea-Based Engineering Measures

New publication focusing on the sea-based measures to mitigate eutrophication in the Baltic Sea was published in Brill Journal's "Research Perspectives in the Law of the Sea".

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11.09.2019 Environmental impacts of shipping addressed at a conference in Gothenburg

Over 70 researchers, academics and policy-makers from Europe and other parts of the world gathered in Gothenburg, Sweden for the second Shipping & the Environment – From Regional to Global Perspectives conference.

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04.09.2019 We need to demystify AI – digitalization and Artificial Intelligence discussed at the Europe Forum

In the framework of the annual Europe Forum, held on 29-31 August in Turku, EECS Employers' Group together with Confederation of Finnish Industries EK organized a panel discussion “Smart and Intelligent Europe”. The event featured high-level speakers from industry, public administration as well as politics. Director of Centrum Balticum and Pan European Institute of the University of Turku Kari Liuhto moderated the event.

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