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25.10.2018 Bringing Baltic Sea Region closer together through multilevel governance and cooperation

What happens to the regional cooperation in the times of political tensions and disagreements? What is the role of soft-law organisations like Council of the Baltic Sea States in fostering peaceful multilevel cooperation? How to adapt to the changing circumstances and continue cooperation, despite political tensions? This and other topics will be brought to discussion during the half-day seminar “The Future of Baltic Sea region cooperation” organized by BALEX in cooperation with HA Neighbours.

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28.09.2018 Register now to ECOPRODIGI seminar on 20 November: Heading towards digital and eco-efficient shipping in the Baltic Sea Region

Eco-efficiency and digitalisation in the maritime industry in the Baltic Sea region will be at the focal point in a seminar organised by ECOPRODIGI project on 20 November 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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30.08.2018 Register now for “The Future of Baltic Sea Region Cooperation" seminar!

Baltic Area Legal Studies BALEX will organise a half-day seminar on 23 November 2018 in Turku, Finland. The event is organised in cooperation with EUSBSR HA Neighbours.

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16.08.2018 BALEX is looking for a trainee

BALEX is looking for a trainee to assist in funding applications, communications and events. The traineeship is full-time, paid and lasts 3 months.

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21.06.2018 Save the date! The Future of Baltic Sea Region Cooperation - Focus on the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)

Baltic Area Legal Studies BALEX will organise a half-day conference on 23 November 2018 at 2PM-6PM, in Turku, Finland. The event is organised in cooperation with EUSBSR HA Neighbours.

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11.06.2018 Clean Shipping Project Platform (CSHIPP) approved for funding

Centrum Balticum is involved in Clean Shipping Project Platform (CSHIPP) that has been approved for funding by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme on 6 June 2018. In CSHIPP seven EU-funded projects dealing with clean shipping in the Baltic Sea region cooperate to maximize the influence of their results. Centrum Balticum is one of partners and is in charge of the platform’s communications. The partnership is led by University of Turku.

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28.05.2018 Regulation of sea-based measures in the Baltic Sea requires state cooperation

Centrum Balticum / Baltic Area Legal Studies BALEX together with Vahanen Environment Oy has assesed in a study, commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment of Finland, potential measures that could be used to mitigate and manage the internal nutrient reserves in the Baltic Sea.

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18.05.2018 ”The keyword is cooperation” – the 11th Baltic Sea Region Forum brought together experts from politics, science and economics

Centrum Balticum Foundation’s 11th Baltic Sea Region Forum, organised at Turku School of Economics on May 14 2018, gathered over 200 experts from the fields of politics, science and economics. The Forum was opened by Centrum Balticum’s Director Kari Liuhto, Mayor of Turku Minna Arve and Managing Director of Turku Chamber of Commerce Kaisa Leiwo.

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20.04.2018 ECOPRODIGI is now Flagship of EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

ECOPRODIGI has been adopted as one of the Flagships of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) on 17 April 2018. The Flagship status emphasises the importance of the project at wider European level and supports the project communications for which Centrum Balticum is responsible for.

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