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21.10.2016 EUSBSR communications project led by Centrum Balticum up and running!

"Let's communicate!" project, led by Centrum Balticum, is up and running! The project aims at continuing and developing the communications of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR).

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15.09.2016 Project planned by Centrum Balticum to continue to the 2nd step of INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme call

Centrum Balticum has been involved in developing a project which aims at promoting eco-efficiency in maritime industry processes. The concept note of the project has now been selected to continue to the second step of the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme's call.

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09.09.2016 Fourth "Get to know your neighbour" workshop in Åland islands October 10-11

Centrum Balticum, Baltic Sea Challenge and Östersjöfonden organise for the fourth time "Get to know your neighbour" event in Åland islands in October 10-11.

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20.06.2016 Centrum Balticum to lead a transnational project on EUSBSR communications

Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme Monitoring Committee has decided on 14th June to fund a project aiming at communicating better the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region (EUSBSR) led by Centrum Balticum Foundation.

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26.05.2016 Baltic Sea Region Forum 2016 gathered 200 participants to discuss the maritime cluster in the Baltic Sea region

The ninth Baltic Sea Region Forum organised by Centrum Balticum took place in Turku School of Economics in 20th May 2016. Over 200 participants gathered in the Forum to discuss the current state and future prospects of the maritime cluster in the Baltic Sea region.

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18.05.2016 Centrum Balticum's International Advisory Board to vision the future development of the Baltic Sea region

In relation to the Baltic Sea Region Forum 2016 the International High Level Advisory Board of Centrum Balticum convenes for the first time. The Advisory Board consists of over 30 experts of different fields and from all the Baltic Sea region countries. President Tarja Halonen is chairing the Advisory Board.

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04.05.2016 Opportunities in the Arctic for the Baltic Sea region maritime cluster

One of the panels of the Baltic Sea Region Forum 2016 focuses on Arctic maritime transportation. Experts all the way from Japan and Alaska are attending the panel to discuss the current state and future of Arctic shipping.

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28.04.2016 Shipbuilding in the Baltic Sea region – through structural changes to success?

One of the thematic panels of the Baltic Sea Region Forum 2016 focuses on the shipbuilding industry in the Baltic Sea region. The discussion is led by Professor Alari Purju from Tallinn Technical University.

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21.04.2016 President Tarja Halonen for the sustainable development of the Baltic Sea region

The keynote speech in the Baltic Sea Region Forum 2016 will be given by President Tarja Halonen. Halonen is also steering the high level Advisory Board of Centrum Balticum, which convenes for the first time in Turku in relation to the Forum.

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15.03.2016 Baltic Sea Region Forum 2016 advances high-level dialogue about the maritime cluster in the Baltic Sea Region

The ninth Baltic Sea Region Forum organized by Centrum Balticum will take place in Turku School of Economics on 20 May 2016.

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