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26.04.2017 Can engineering save the Baltic Sea?

Nutrient reserves in the seabed of the Baltic Sea is one of the topics discussed in the 11th annual Baltic Sea Region Forum on 14 May in Turku.

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24.04.2018 Digitalisation as an opportunity to the Baltic Sea Region?

Why is digitalisation so significant a topic to the maritime sector in the Baltic Sea Region and how should maritime industry answer to the challenge of digitalisation? These topics will be discussed in the 11th Baltic Sea Region Forum on 14 May in Turku.

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28.03.2018 Get to know the new executive manager for the Protection Fund for the Archipelago Sea!

In December 2017, Tove Holm joined Centrum Balticum as the new executive manager for the Protection Fund for the Archipelago Sea. Part of her work is also coordinating the Baltic Sea Challenge network.

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26.03.2018 Project news: Making the Finnish maritime cluster a global leader

Finnish maritime cluster has the potential to become a global leader, and a forerunner in sustainability and digitalisation. In the beginning of this year, an EU-funded Finnish Maritime Cluster project kicked off to support different stakeholders. The aim is to encourage maritime sector actors to create innovations through collaboration. Centrum Balticum is in charge of the project communications.

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22.03.2018 Hybrid threats, digitalisation and environmental cooperation - register now to the Baltic Sea Region Forum 2018

"Tensions will not disappear until the crisis in Ukraine is solved", analyses Timo Soini, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland, and one of the keynote speakers in the Baltic Sea Region Forum 2018. This year, the forum will focus on the Baltic Sea Region cooperation during challenging times. Panellists and participants are invited to share thoughts on challenges, problems and possibilites in the region.

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20.12.2017 Pulloposti - Presidental candidates edition

Watch the video to see first glimpses of how our Pulloposti column series will look like in January 2018. Centrum Balticum asked all the presidental candidates to share their views on the Baltic Sea region in a video. Most candidates sent us one, and we will publish their Pulloposti columns, written and video, during January 2018.

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02.11.2017 ECOPRODIGI project launched - enhancing maritime industry digitalisation

ECOPRODIGI project increases eco-efficiency in the Baltic Sea region maritime sector by creating and piloting digital solutions in close cooperation between industry end-users and research organisations. Centrum Balticum coordinates the communications of the ambitious project.

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28.08.2017 New BSR Policy Briefing explores smart specialisation priorities

Latest publication in the Centrum Balticum's BSR Policy Briefing series deals with national innovation and smart specialisation governance.

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28.06.2017 BALEX research seminar focuses on the multi-level governance in the Baltic Sea region

Legal competence cluster BALEX, established by University of Turku and Åbo Akademi, will organise an interdisciplinary research seminar targeted for researchers, students and others interested in the theme in 31 of October 2017 in Turku.

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05.06.2017 EU-funding for Centrum Balticum in ECOPRODIGI-project

The Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme has approved ECOPRODIGI -project, which aims to enhance the eco-efficiency of shipping through digitalization. Centrum Balticum is responsible for communications in the project.

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