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20.08.2019 Have your say! Centrum Balticum to take active part in Europe Forum 2019

For the second consecutive year Turku is to become the centre of political debate on the future of Europe and Finland.

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02.07.2019 Shipping and the Environment II conference in Gothenburg on 4-6 September 2019

SHIPPING & THE ENVIRONMENT II - From Regional to Global Perspectives is an international conference on the environmental impacts of shipping and their coupling to the development of the maritime transport sector, policies and maritime spatial planning.

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01.07.2019 Finland begins the Chairmanship of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

This summer, besides taking over the Presidency at the EU Council, Finland takes over the Chairmanship of the EU Strategy of the Baltic Sea region (EUSBSR). This is the second time Finland steers the unique macro-regional strategy since its launching by the European Commission in 2009, however, this is the unique opportunity that the Presidency and Chairmanship coincide, potentially giving Finland even more power to bring matters of concern for the Baltic Sea Region into discussion on the higher levels.

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05.06.2019 Baltic Rim Economies 2/2019 published - get to know to the new website

The latest issue of the Baltic Rim Economies (BRE) review was published on the 29th of May introducing articles on current topics concerning the Baltic Sea region.

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29.05.2019 Open workshop: Climate change and the Baltic Sea region

Baltic Area Legal Studies BALEX invites you to an open workshop on Climate change and the Baltic Sea region. The workshop will take place in Turku, Finland on 8 October 2019.

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29.05.2019 Shawn Waddoups: U.S. Baltic Sea Region engagement: What’s changed?

On 23rd May 2019, Political and Economic Counselor of the United States Embassy to Finland Shawn Waddoups visited Turku for the luncheon seminar organised by Centrum Balticum. In his speech the diplomat discussed U.S. presence and engagement in the Baltic Region, as well the latest trends and changes in the relations between the two. The comment note was given by Ville Sinkkonen, Research Fellow at Finnish Institute of International Affairs.

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15.05.2019 Unmanned vs. autonomous – practical and legal developments in autonomous shipping discussed at BALEX seminar

On Friday, May 10, Baltic Area Legal Studies BALEX organized an afternoon seminar on autonomous shipping. The seminar speakers raised the questions of the ship ownership, legal status of autonomous ships, as well as the issues of civil and product liability.

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13.05.2019 Centrum Balticum actively involved in supporting the development of sustainable shipping in the Baltic Sea region

Maritime transportation in the Baltic Sea constitutes an important part of trade and services while also contributing to ship borne pollution and environmental degradation in the region.

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26.04.2019 Harri Tiido: Finland and Estonia between the elections - similarities in development trends

Ambassador of Estonia to Finland Harri Tiido visited Turku on 25 April 2019. He gave a speech in a luncheon seminar organized by Centrum Balticum Foundation and City of Turku. Theme of the seminar was the similarities both Finland and Estonia have in development trends between the elections. Ambassador Tiido's speech was commented by Professor Vesa Vares.

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23.04.2019 BALEX seminar "Autonomous shipping - Where are we now?" on May 10 in Turku

Baltic Area Legal Studies BALEX organizes an afternoon seminar on autonomous shipping on Friday, May 10th at the Faculty of Law of the University of Turku.

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