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10.12.2020 Safety must be ensured in the automation of maritime transport – BALEX report supports legislation planning

According to a report drafted by Baltic Area Legal Studies BALEX, legislation concerning the automation of maritime transport should pay special attention to ensuring safety. The report, commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of Transportation and Communications, offers insights that can be utilised when planning legislation in Finland, as well as in the preparatory work carried out by the International Maritime Organisation IMO.

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04.12.2020 Benefits of digitalisation for maritime industry discussed at ECOPRODIGI's final event

Maritime industry in the Baltic Sea region and around the world is facing increasing pressure to meet stringent environmental standards while also maintaining competitiveness in a dynamic market environment. There is a clear need for the industry to become more eco-efficient, i.e. to produce more value with less waste, pollution and resources.

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04.11.2020 Harnessing Digitalisation for the Benefit of Maritime Industry - Register to ECOPRODIGI's final event

Our clean shipping project ECOPRODIGI is drawing to its end and now it is time to hear the results. Join the final event "Harnessing Digitalisation for the Benefit of Maritime Industry" on December 2 at 9.30-13.30 (CET) on a virtual platform.

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17.09.2020 The Baltic Sea Region Forum will be held on 27 May 2021 at Turku School of Economics

Due to the coronavirus situation Centrum Balticum's 13th Baltic Sea Region Forum has been postponed to next year. The theme of the upcoming Baltic Sea Region Forum remains as “Turbulent World Order and the Baltic Sea Region”.

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31.07.2020 EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region - Revised Action Plan available

The EUSBSR National Coordinators' Group has approved the revised version of the Action Plan in their meeting 29-30 June 2020 and in a silent procedure 30 June - 3 July, 2020. The revised version is sent to the European Commission for their internal procedure where it might be still somewhat modified.

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24.06.2020 Work on maritime industry digitalisation and eco-efficiency to continue

ECOPRODIGI's extension project EXOPRODIGI is among the 17 extension stage projects selected for funding by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme.

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11.06.2020 Environmental ambitions are still in focus, despite the COVID-19 crisis

Transport plays a crucial role in the realization of the European Green Deal. The online seminar “Innovative Transport for a Greener Europe”, hosted by Interact on June 9th 2020, showcased how Interreg funded projects and initiatives can create solutions for greener transport across borders. The event, which was moderated by Ulf Wikström from Interact, gathered experts from the Interact network and the EC Directorates General DG MOVE, DG REGIO and DG MARE to discuss the current challenges of green transport.

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18.05.2020 “The transition towards clean shipping should not be delayed”

The Clean Shipping Project Platform (CSHIPP), in which Centrum Balticum is a project partner, hosted its first ever online conference, “The Business of Clean Shipping”, on May 14th 2020. The conference was organized by The Maritime Development Center and Tallinn University of Technology, and was originally planned to be held at The Danish Maritime Fair. Due to the COVID-19 measures, however, the conference was changed into an online event, enabling the participation of an even more international public.

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18.03.2020 Platform collaboration for the benefit of the Baltic Sea region

The concept of project platforms was introduced by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme to support cooperation among partners of projects funded by Interreg and other funding programmes in different thematic fields. The overarching objective of this kind of collaboration has been to improve the utilisation of the results from individual projects on a wider scale. The first platforms were kicked off in 2018 and are now in their final year of implementation.

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03.02.2020 EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Annual Forum gathers 800 international policymakers and experts to Turku, Finland

The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) 11th Annual Forum “Our Region, Our Future – Towards a Decade of Innovation and Sustainability” will be organised in Turku, Finland for the second time on 16–17 June 2020. The themes of this year’s Forum are sustainability and innovations. Around 800 policymakers and political and economic experts are expected to attend the Forum held in Logomo, Finland's most prominent event and creative business centre.

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