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05.05.2022 Finland exceptionally active with Interreg BSR’s core projects

Centrum Balticum is a partner in three project ideas

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15.11.2021 Successful maritime and shipbuilding cooperation - EXOPRODIGI -project has ended

Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme -funded extension project EXOPRODIGI “Expanding efforts to bring eco-efficiency to maritime industry processes in Baltic Sea Region via digital tools” has come to an end. The project focused on promoting digital solutions that increase eco-efficiency in sustainable shipping and shipbuilding in the Baltic Sea. The project was built on the findings of and lessons learned in ECOPRODIGI (2017-2020).

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31.08.2021 Registration for Baltic Sea Region Annual Forum is open

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Annual Forum is organised September 27 - October 1 as an online event. The main theme is green recovery.

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13.07.2021 Baltic Sea region as a front-runner in clean shipping and shipbuilding - Join EXOPRODIGI's event!

The Baltic Sea is one of the busiest seas in the world and the volume of ships sailing in the area has increased steadily during the past decades. The challenge is to find a working balance between the increasing traffic and the need to protect the environment.

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31.05.2021 The 13th Baltic Sea Region Forum focused on Turbulent World Order and the Baltic Sea region

This year the Baltic Sea Region Forum was for the first time held as an online event. The theme of the Forum was the Turbulent World Order and the Baltic Sea Region. Experts discussed the geopolitical situation in the region and explored ways to ensure its future security.

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