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25.04.2023 17:02

Safety and security themes raise interest

The theme of the 15th Baltic Sea Region Forum, “Security and Safety in the Baltic Sea Region” is so topical that the seminar venue is soon fully booked. Luckily, the event can be followed also online.

The first panel “The changing security environment in Northern Europe” is organised in cooperation with the National Defence University of Finland. The panellists will discuss i.e. the need for change in NATO after Finnish membership, how to cope with simultaneous threats of hybrid and conventional war and how the security environment in the Arctic is changing.

The second panel will focus on securing and maintaining critical energy supply and infrastructure in the region and it is organised in cooperation with the University of Cambridge. The discussion will cover topics like vulnerability of critical infrastructure, aligning energy security with climate objectives and protecting Europe from cyber threats.  

The third panel will discuss combating cross-border crime, including themes like hybrid attacks, border security, terrorism, firearms smuggling and human trafficking and comprehensive approach to cross-border crime. 

More about the event and a link to the registration: Baltic Sea Region Forum 2023 (

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