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29.05.2024 10:00

ReNutriWater in Europe Forum - and a part of European Green Week events

ReNutriWater project will be presenting its work and solutions in an event “Riding the Wave - Sustainable Water Management in the Baltic Sea Region”. It is organized together with other water projects as a panel seminar in the annual Europe Forum, in Turku 28th of August. The panel seminar is at the same time a Partner Event for the European Green Week.

One of the cornerstones of Europe's sustainable future is water security. The European Commission has highlighted it by making “Towards a water-resilient Europe” the main theme of this year's European Green Week. Link to the programme: Partner Events - European Union (

The theme of the Europe Forum 2024 is “Europe’s Secure Future” and the security theme covers also sustainable development and resilience. Link to the programme: Ohjelma - Eurooppa-foorumi | Europe Forum | Europa-forum

The panel presents projects ReNutriWater, Waterman, Nursecoast II and City Blues, which all contribute to the Policy Area Nutri in the EU Strategy for a Baltic Sea Region. Thus, the PA Nutri Coordinator Elsi Kauppinen and the participating projects discuss themes like water security and sustainable practices by recovering safe water and nutrients from wastewater, implementing water reuse strategies, and piloting alternative treatment technologies and preventing flooding through nature-based solutions. 

The Opening Words are given by Patrick Child, Deputy Director General for Environment, Cities Mission Manager.

The event will be held Wednesday 28th August, at 14:00 EEST, in Turku City Theater,
Itäinen Rantakatu 14, Turku.

The event can be followed online, the registration through the link: Livestream - Eurooppa-foorumi | Europe Forum | Europa-forum


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