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29.05.2019 18:07

Open workshop: Climate change and the Baltic Sea region

Baltic Area Legal Studies BALEX invites you to an open workshop on Climate change and the Baltic Sea region. The workshop will take place in Turku, Finland on 8 October 2019.

Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time, both globally and particularly in the Baltic Sea region. In many ways, several of the Baltic Sea countries have been forerunners in their work against climate change, the effects of which can be seen earlier in the Baltic Sea than in other regions. At the same time, the sensitivity of the Baltic Sea has made it a test bed for assessing the impact of climate change on oceans and the effect of measures to deal with those threats.

Join the workshop!

Join the workshop and bring your ideas, your views and your expertise in your field! The purpose of the workshop is to sharpen the focus and to kick-start a broader research project involving an international conference and a publication in 2020.

Time:  Tuesday 8 October 2019 (from morning until late afternoon)

Place: Domvillan, Åbo Akademi University, Gezeliusgatan 2, Turku.

Please send an abstract of your contribution to BALEX Coordinator saara.ilvessalo(at) by 15 August 2019. We will notify authors of accepted papers by August 22.

More information here.

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