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10.07.2023 11:00

New BSR project, CiNURGi, will find solutions for more efficient nutrient cycling

Centrum Balticum joins in Interreg Baltic Sea Region funded project CiNURGi.  Increasing circularity of nutrient is essential to decrease nutrient losses – the main reason for eutrophication of the Baltic Sea – and to reduce BSR Region’s dependency and use of imported mineral nutrients.

The project aims to link bioeconomy around nutrient recycling to circular economy for the Baltic Sea Region. This will be done by exploiting synergies between the use of biomass resource streams coming from agricultural, municipal, and industrial sources and creating fertilizer products that will be recycled back to primary production. CiNURGi will develop and promote standards for safe and sustainable recycling of nutrients. It supports the EU’s New Circular Economy action plan of the Green Deal, the HELCOM Regional Nutrient Recycling Strategy and the EUSBSR’s Action Plan.

The project is led by Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), and it has 24 other project partners representing all the riparian countries. Almost half of the project partners are companies. The total budget for this 3-year project is 6,5 million euros.

Centrum Balticum will take care of the project communication. The work includes also close cooperation with HELCOM – Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, which will organize stakeholder events and workshops to discuss developed tools and regional policy recommendations. 
CiNURGi answers to Priority 3: "Climate-Smart Societies" and objective Circular Economy.

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