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21.10.2022 16:12

Interreg BSR opened the 2nd Call in the Programme Conference in Hamburg

Interreg Baltic Sea Region in cooperation with the Senate Chancellery of the City of Hamburg organized the first physical Get-together for the new programme period 2021-2027.

The Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme Conference, held in 20th of October, served as a platform to officially open the 2nd Call for both Small projects and Core projects.


For Small projects the deadline for leaving Project Information Form (PIF) is 5th of January, and the deadline for the project application is 26th of January. For Core projects, deadline for leaving PIFs is 14th of February and the deadline for the project application is 14th of March. Link to the Programme website and the second call: Gateway for applicants - Interreg Baltic Sea Region (


The conference was a real Get-together as members of the programme Monitoring committee and Joint technical secretariat were present and available to talk to. A good number of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) Policy Area coordinators were also present. The agenda focused on raising awareness of the opportunities that different Programme Priorities can offer prospective project partners.


Hamburg was a natural choice as a location for this first official conference, since the City of Hamburg, together with Centrum Balticum, offers EUSBSR support for communication, administration, coordination, and capacity building via the newly established Baltic Sea Strategy Point.  
Hamburg City Hall with its Hanseatic ethos was a worthy location for a conference supporting cooperation of the Baltic Sea Region.


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