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17.08.2023 12:14

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region in support of Ukraine: event in the Turku Europe Forum

Centrum Balticum organises a discussion in the Turku Europe Forum on Wednesday 30.8. at 12.00-12.45. In the discussion the coordinators of the Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region will tell about the concrete means the strategy supports Ukraine in Russia’s war of aggression and how to get involved in the strategy's activities and networks. The event will also include a greeting from Nadija Afanasieva, director of the Ukrainian Institute for International Politics.

Coordinator Elsi Kauppinen, Policy Area Nutri
Coordinator Esa Kokkonen, Policy Area Innovation
Steering Group Member Valtteri Laine, Policy Area Ship

The discussion is hosted by Communications Manager Terhi Luukkainen, Centrum Balticum Foundation

You can follow the discussion online:

More info about the Turku Europe Forum:

The EU macro-regional strategies help countries located in the same region to address common challenges and find solutions to them. Macro-regional strategies offer a ready-made platform for cooperation at both international, national and regional levels. The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region was approved in 2009 and is the Union's oldest macro-regional strategy. Centrum Balticum acts as the contact point for the strategy together with the city of Hamburg.

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