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05.06.2017 11:00

EU-funding for Centrum Balticum in ECOPRODIGI-project

The Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme has approved ECOPRODIGI -project, which aims to enhance the eco-efficiency of shipping through digitalization. Centrum Balticum is responsible for communications in the project.

ECOPRODIGI-project focuses on developing methods to digitalize the processes of marine industries and marine traffic all the way from shipbuilding, its use and maintenance to its scrapping. Digitalization makes possible to more efficiently automatize functions for example through the internet-of-things and on the other hand simplifies maintenance when all components and parts are catalogued. Also it is possible to have 3D-scanned blueprints of the ship. In harbours digitalized stevedoring would allow loading containers into a ship so that it would not need so much ballast water.

Digitalization has not yet permeated the maritime industry as deeply as some other industries. This has to do with the long life spans of the ships and slow circulation and also because of lack of knowledge. ECOPRODIGI aims to develop not only technologies but also to disseminate information of the possibilities of digitalization. Centrum Balticum will take care of communications between the over 20 different project partners and also increase the public support for the project through communication and workshops.

The lead partner of the project is the University of Turku. Other universities, small, medium and large corporations and different maritime industry organizations are involved as well.

More about the projects approved on Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme's website.

More information: Kirsi Ahlman

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