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12.10.2023 12:42

Energy, climate, youth and Ukraine as the themes of the Annual Forum of the Baltic Sea Strategy

The 14th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region was organized in the City of Riga at the beginning of October. Baltic Sea Strategy Point hosted by Centrum Balticum was involved in organizing the event. The Forum consisted of speeches, panel discussions, workshops, meetings and especially networking. Almost 600 people from 20 different countries had registered for the event, which indicates a broad interest in the strategy.

The official stage programme focused on three themes: energy, climate, and youth. In addition to these three topics, collaboration with Ukraine was brought up in many of the sessions and discussions. As Commissioner Elisa Ferreira phrased it in her video greeting: “Cooperation with Ukraine is a moral imperative, but it is also a strategic opportunity to broaden the cooperation in and beyond the region”.

Workshops were part of the programme of the Annual Forum

Towards green energy solutions

Climate change's impact on the Baltic Sea is a huge challenge, and sustainable energy is critical for economic growth and development everywhere. In the discussion, it was stated that the Baltic Sea region has a huge wind power potential, and it should be used.

The discussion about wind power and the possibilities of regional cooperation was also continued later in the Forum. In order to make the benefits of wind power available, a common infrastructure must be planned and the interests of all eight countries must be taken into account. Involving different stakeholders at a very early stage is important. The Baltic Sea Strategy as the jointly adopted structure of the eight EU member countries around the Baltic Sea is well-placed to facilitate this discussion.

The aim is to reduce overlaps and strengthen synergies

Apart from the official programme, the Annual Forum is one huge marketplace for networking. The Strategy was built to bring the multiple networks and organisations in the region together, and one of the founding principles behind it is to create a structure that contributes to a better division of labor among existing networks and organizations. By sharing knowledge and co-creating ideas and projects, we reduce overlaps and strengthen synergies.

Over two-thirds of forum participants listed “networking” as their main expectation for the Forum. The realization that we are not to compete with each other but to look for joint solutions is the core of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.

Networking was the main expectation for the Forum

The Annual Forum was organised jointly by the Riga City Council, Union of the Baltic Cities and VASAB, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and the Baltic Sea Strategy Point, with financial support from Interreg Baltic Sea Region.

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