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07.12.2023 12:44

CiNURGi – towards more sustainable nutrient management in the region

The Interreg BSR -funded CiNURGi was launched off in chilly Gothenburg on the first of December.  The project aims to encourage the creation and development of a circular economy for nutrients. The emphasis is on improving current infrastructures and technologies to maximize nutrient recovery from biomasses and resource streams coming from agriculture, municipalities and industry.

A more efficient use of nutrients and recycled fertilizer products would pave the way for climate-neutral food production, increase security of supply in the Baltic Sea Region and reduce eutrophication in the Baltic Sea.
CiNURGi supports many high level strategies

The main goal of CiNURGi is to support the implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Regional Nutrient Strategy, but also HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan. Other supported frameworks are the EU’s new Circular Economy Action Plan of the Green Deal and Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan of the Farm to Fork Strategy. CiNURGi contributes also to EUSBSR PA Nutri and PA Bioeconomy.

Nutrient recycling is studied from many angles
The activities that the project engages in are to:
  • develop and promote standards for safe and sustainable recycling of nutrients
  • develop strategies to implement nutrient recycling as a measure to improve national and regional nutrient balances
  • increase the acceptance and use of recycled nutrients
  • create business opportunities around nutrient recycling
  • improve policy coherence regarding nutrient recycling in the Baltic Sea Region.
CiNURGi is active from 11/2023 to 10/26 and it is led by RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden. The 23 other partners come from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden.
Centrum Balticum takes care of project communications
Centrum Balticum will be taking care of the communication of the project and creating EU level international event to disseminate the project results.
CiNURGi project has a connection to ReNutriWater project launched in March as they both drive towards more sustainable nutrient management in the Baltic Sea Region. Centrum Balticum also takes care of the communication activities of ReNutriWater project.

The wave of flu raging in the BSR limited the participation, but the online connection saved so that CiNURGi could start with honor.

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