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30.06.2022 14:22

Centrum Balticum to set EUSBSR on the map

The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) is the first of the EU’s four macro-regional strategies aimed for strengthening cooperation between the countries in the region. As strategies, like EUSBSR, are open platforms, they need support in the coordination of policies and actions.  Centrum Balticum has been chosen to lead the new Baltic Sea Strategy Point, which will support the EUSBSR management, communication, coordination and capacity building.

The EU’s project financing source covering the whole Baltic Sea region, Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, has chosen Centrum Balticum to establish and lead the new Baltic Sea Strategy point. The work will start in the beginning of October and will be done together with the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Germany.

Coordinating the Baltic Sea region cooperation is not a new task for Centrum Balticum. From 2016 Centrum Balticum has led Let’s Communicate project, which aims to maintain and develop further the internal and external communications of the EUSBSR framework. When EUSBSR Action Plan was revised in 2021, the responsibility area of Centrum Balticum was broadened to cover EUSBSR development, climate issues and non-EU-cooperation. 

The Baltic Sea Strategy Point will give support to the administrative structure of the EUSBSR, but also coordinate cross-sectoral cooperation and development of the strategy. This means that not only will Centrum Balticum be a center point of the EUSBSR and its 14 different policy areas, but that Centrum Balticum is also strongly involved in the development of the future of the entire Baltic Sea region. The goal of the EU’s macro-regional strategies is to find regional solutions to regional problems, and thus, the better the Baltic Sea region cooperation works, the better the solutions for the region.  

Read more: Centrum Balticum is looking for employees

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