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23.01.2024 12:35

Baltic Sea Region Forum 2024 focuses on Arctic Europe and transatlantic relations

The security environment of the Baltic Sea region has changed significantly during the past two years. This new situation also increases the importance of geopolitics in the Arctic region and the relevance of transatlantic relations. These topics will be discussed at the Baltic Sea Region Forum 2024 that is organized on 20 May at the University of Turku, Finland. Last year the highly topical themes of the Forum attracted over 500 participants.

Director of the Centrum Balticum Foundation Kari Liuhto shares his thoughts about the security environment and the Forum themes:
- Russia has been at war for ten years now, and we know from the history that weakness in Russia's neighbourhood inspires Russia's empire nostalgia. Therefore, the West has to strengthen its military capabilities to prevent the war to escalate from Ukraine. I wish to remind you the intelligent words of George Washington, the first US president: "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace". Due to Finland's NATO membership of 2023 the Baltic Sea Region Forum focuses this year on the security in Arctic Europe. Together we are stronger. Together we are safe, Liuhto states.

The Forum theme will be covered in keynote speeches and three panel discussions. The first panel discusses the military challenges in arctic Europe. The second panel will focus on the future of transatlantic cooperation and the third panel on the media's role in contributing to security.

See the Forum programme and register

In 2023 the Forum attracted over 500 participants

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