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02.11.2023 14:51

Baltic Rim Economies: Finland and Sweden cooperate for a more resilient society

Finland and Sweden have a long history of close cooperation in the field of civil preparedness. Nordic societies are generally considered resilient towards crises. The latest Baltic Rim Economies review focused on the relation between Finland and Sweden and the theme of civil preparedness was examined from various angles.

Finland-Sweden cooperation in a test  

As Carl Marklund states in his article, Finland and Sweden have relatively similar economic structures, they are heavily dependent upon their export industries and share commitment to overall similar political values. Therefore, it is evident that Finland and Sweden can benefit substantially from further collaboration.

Today, arenas such as NATO will serve as testing grounds for continued Finnish-Swedish cooperation, thus raising the question as to how Finnish-Swedish bilateral links are likely to develop in near future. Crises are historically prone to generate tension and divergence. It will therefore be of particular interest to observe how the two neighbours will handle the challenges ahead, Marklund says.

Carl Marklund: Close neighbours, divergent partners? Finnish-Swedish cooperation rekindled in the light of crisis

Police authorities cooperate at all levels

Police authorities in the Nordic countries have worked together for decades collaborate in crime prevention, Police Director Hannele Taavila writes in her article. It is already possible for the Finnish and Swedish police to pursue a suspect across national land borders. Officers conducting the pursuit also have the right of detention. In addition, Finland and Sweden may organise joint operations to maintain public order and security and to combat crime, as well as other joint operations.

Furthermore, the competent authorities of our two countries may assist each other in major events, disasters, and serious accidents, Taavila explains. The deepening of police cooperation between two countries will also continue in the future.

Hannele Taavila: Deepening police cooperation between Finland and Sweden

Baltic Sea region cooperation to increase resilience

In his article the Director General for Rescue Services Kimmo Kohvakka talks about the role of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS). Its activities have gained more importance due to the drastically changed safety situation in the Baltic Sea Region.

Russian aggression against Ukraine has strengthened the need in the CBSS member states to cooperate with respect to resilience of the citizens, preparedness in the region and for more harmonised practices. During the Finnish presidency (July 2023 – June 2024) common priorities focus on citizens to strengthen their safety and security awareness, resilience and their own preparedness, Kohvakka tells.

Kimmo Kohvakka: Collaboration within the civil protection between the Nordic Countries

See all articles of Baltic Rim Economies 3/2023

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