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07.11.2023 12:53

Baltic Rim Economies: Bilateral defence cooperation is ever more important

Defence cooperation between Finland and Sweden has a long history. During the past couple of years this cooperation has become even more important. Latest Baltic Rim Economies studied the state and future of this bilateral and wider Nordic cooperation.
Cooperation reinforces NATO’s defence
Finland and Sweden share common military strategic and operational dilemmas to deal with, Micael Bydén states. Together, through close defence cooperation, Sweden and Finland raise the threshold for an armed attack on one or on both countries. This cooperation holds political significance, showcasing our commitment to regional security and stability. It also builds confidence and trust among neighboring countries and allies, reinforcing NATO's overall defense posture.

Given the current and future security landscape, collaboration with like-minded partners has become increasingly imperative, Bydén says. Northern Europe, encompassing the High North, the North Atlantic, and the Baltic Sea Region, is viewed as a single strategic entity. This perspective necessitates close cooperation among the Nordic nations and with other regional actors, including the Baltic States, the United States, and the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF).

Micael Bydén: A strong Swedish-Finnish defence cooperation

NATO doesn’t have all the answers
Pär Stenbäck brings attention to the time after the Swedish NATO membership has been secured. Then both Finland and Sweden will become fully integrated into the structures of the alliance and they form a common space in all military planning. Does this mean that there is still room for bilateral initiatives? Stenbäck thinks that there should be because NATO does not have the answer to all questions with relevance for Finland’s and Sweden’s security.

Successful defence cooperation between Finland and Sweden will demand some level of foreign policy coordination, Stenbäck writes. When the Swedish NATO membership is completed, this issue will come to the fore. It seems rational that we consult both within EU and NATO in a systematic way. Preferably, also Norway should be part of such close consultations – cooperation in the north is something which must give an impetus to a closer relationship when all three countries are members of the same alliance.

Both bilateral and Nordic cooperation are needed
Peter Stenlund also raises the need for intense dialogue on foreign and security policy, regardless of the NATO membership. Both countries must consider their role in the alliance. One of the challenges ahead is the balancing between Europe and the US, taking into consideration political risks both in the US and in the EU.
While working for a stronger EU and making the best of any political situation in the US there is an obvious need for deeper Nordic cooperation as well as further deepening of Finnish/Swedish bilateral cooperation, Stenlund says. We need actions to strengthen the security of supply at many levels, transatlantic cooperation, the EU, among Nordic countries as well as bilaterally between neighbours.

Peter Stenlund: Closer than ever – there are more steps to take
The fiddler pig, the fifer pig and the practical pig
Magnus Christiansson writes that Finland and Sweden seem to march hand-in-hand in step with the trend of multinational defence cooperation. However, seen from a process perspective there are notable differences between the NATO membership applications in Sweden and Finland.

Christiansson refers the mechanism behind the Swedish and Finnish applications to the fairytale The three little pigs. For Finland, the process towards NATO membership began already in 1995, with the EU membership and a declared “option” to join NATO. The fifer pig (Sweden), lacking a strong defence and ambitions to join an alliance, is scared by the big bad wolf and engages in closer cooperation with the slightly more realist and capable fiddler pig (Finland). After February 24, following a quick assessment of the risks involved, the fiddler pig drags the fifer pig up to the practical pig (NATO), who has built a more solid house together with 29 other pigs.

See all articles of Baltic Rim Economies 3/2023

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