

Eri alojen osaajien ja asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden Itämeren alueeseen liittyviä julkaisuja, raportteja ja esityksiä.

2.9.2019 14.38

BSR Policy Briefing 8/2019

Creation of regional gas market in the Baltic States and Finland: Challenges and opportunities.
Authored by Tadas Jakštas.

In the last 10 years, the Baltic States have considerably increased security of gas supplies by diversifying infrastructure as well as moving away from total dependence on one gas supplier. Despite significant progress, the creation of gas market in the region still faces several important political, economic and technical challenges. In this article, we will elaborate on key achievements and challenges towards the creation of gas market among the Baltic States and Finland. We will also explore the importance of Poland as well as the role of gas supplies from the Russian Federation for the development of an effective and efficient gas market in the region.

The article is written by Dr Tadas Jakštas, Energy Security Expert at NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE).

Download the latest BSR Policy Briefing here.

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