

Eri alojen osaajien ja asiantuntijaorganisaatioiden Itämeren alueeseen liittyviä julkaisuja, raportteja ja esityksiä.

25.9.2018 13.48

BSR Policy Briefing 8/2018

American policy towards the Baltic States.
Authored by Stephen Blank.

Since the Baltic States regained their independence in 1991 they have consistently looked to the West, and particularly the United States, to be the main champion of their security. This policy orientation has also been successful, as the Baltic States have become members of NATO and the European Union. Thus, the U.S. “wager on the Baltic” has been an eminently successful. But that wager must still be upheld for the Russian threat to the Baltic States continues. This essay duly examines U.S. efforts to uphold Baltic security within a Europe whole and free with special emphasis on defensive measures taking place through U.S. leadership in NATO and through programs to further the integration of Central and Eastern Europe, e.g. the Three Seas Initiative, particularly with regard to energy.

The article is written by Stephen Blank, an internationally recognized expert on Russian foreign and defense policies and international relations across the former Soviet Union.

Download the BSR Policy Briefing here.

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