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28.1.2022 17.00

BSR Policy Briefing 3/2022

Russia's renewable energy sector: Policy recommendations
By Liliana Proskuryakova

The policy paper analyzes the state of renewable energy industry in Russia in 2021 with an outlook to 2030. Several development paths are outlined, including business-as-usual, shock scenarios, and the visionary future. Clean energy, including renewables, will see faster growth under shock scenarios and the visionary future (negative and positive externalities) following different reasons. The main barriers for the industry’s development include surplus of installed electricity capacity, old approaches to power grid management, and limited domestic R&D. The main policy recommendations cover decommissioning of old power plants, radical reduction of coal-fired generation, and fostering market competition in the industry, while plans for localization of equipment manufacturing may be revisited. The Russian renewable energy sector should rely on solid domestic R&D base and manufacturing facilities.

Download the latest BSR Policy Briefing:  BSR Policy Briefing 3_2022 (pdf) (1.3 MB)

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