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13.12.2023 13:54

BALEX activities continue at Åbo Akademi

Activities of the international legal competence cluster BALEX have been moved from Centrum Balticum Foundation to Åbo Akademi. BALEX was established in 2014 by the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. Until December 2023 BALEX operated under Centrum Balticum Foundation.

Baltic Sea is probably the world's most heavily regulated sea area with up to six layers of regulation acting in parallel. BALEX was established to fill the void in legal research, training and events on Baltic Sea issues.

Over the years, BALEX has studied e.g. autonomous shipping, the reduction of eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, more effective regulation of the Baltic Sea region and compliance with sulfur regulations. BALEX has offered courses on legislation and governance in the region and organized guest-lectures, seminars and conferences. BALEX will continue its activities in a similar way in terms of content, in cooperation with local and regional actors.

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