
CSHIPP – Clean Shipping Project Platform

Clean Shipping Project Platform, CSHIPP, brought together projects and organisations focused on enhancing clean shipping in the Baltic Sea region (BSR).

Clean Shipping Project Platform, CSHIPP, brought together projects and organisations focused on enhancing clean shipping in the Baltic Sea region (BSR).

The objective of CSHIPP was to increase the impact of and connect the dots between the several projects working for clean shipping. As the projects involved in the platform looked at the shared topic of clean shipping from different angles, CSHIPP synthesised the projects’ results into a more comprehensive whole.

The activities of CSHIPP revolved around two key themes: the environmental effects of shipping and the business potential of clean shipping in the BSR. By discussing these themes both separately and simultaneously, CSHIPP emphasised that environmentally friendly shipping and profitable business support rather than exclude one another.

The Baltic Sea region is a frontrunner in clean shipping. The gap between research, business and policy making, however, hinders further and faster development in the field. With this in mind, CSHIPP targeted its activities and strived to increase dialogue between three groups of actors in the field of clean shipping: research organisations, businesses/industry representatives and policy makers. By carefully targeting CSHIPP output to these three key target groups, and by bringing them into a dialogue with each other in events and workshops, CSHIPP increased the overall capacity of a wide range of maritime actors. Showcasing the results of several projects working with these themes enabled new ideas and synergies to emerge and flourish. CSHIPP was also a strong voice for the valuable work done in projects funded by the EU.

Basic facts about CSHIPP project

The Lead Partner of the project was the Centre for Maritime Studies of Brahea Centre at the University of Turku. Centrum Balticum Foundation was responsible for the communications of CSHIPP.

Projects involved in CSHIPP: EnviSuM, SHEBA, ECOPRODIGI, GoLNG, BalticLines, BSR Electric, Smartup Accelerator

Project duration: 1.10.2018 – 30.9.2020          

Budget: 1.1 million euros



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In addition, 13 associated organisations including EUSBSR Policy Areas ‘Ship’ and ‘Transport’.

More about CSHIPP

Coordination in Centrum Balticum

Lead Partner: University of Turku